De vânzare miniexcavator Yanmar Vio33-6 la cel mai bun ofertant

Dacă ați decis achiziționarea echipamentului la un preț mic, trebuie să fiți sigur că persoana cu care comunicați este un vânzător real. Aflați toate informațiile disponibile cu privire la proprietarul echipamentului. O metodă de înșelăciune este aceea de a se prezenta ca o societate existentă în mod real. În caz de îndoială, vă rugăm să luați legătura cu noi prin formularul de feedback, pentru alte controale.
Înainte de a decide o achiziție, examinați cu atenție diferite oferte de vânzare pentru a cunoaște costul mediu al modelului ales. Dacă prețul din oferta care vă place este mult mai mic față de alte oferte asemănătoare, gândiți-vă bine. O diferență de preț importantă poate indica defecte ascunse sau o tentativă a vânzătorului de a comite o înșelăciune.
Nu cumpărați produse care au prețuri mult diferite față de prețul mediu al altor produse asemănătoare
Nu dați acordul la plata unor cauțiuni suspecte sau plăți anticipate ale mărfurilor. În caz de îndoieli, clarificați amănuntele, solicitați mai multe fotografii și documente privind mașina, verificați autenticitatea documentelor, puneți întrebări.
Cel mai răspândit tip de înșelăciune. Vânzătorii necinstiți pot cere o anumită sumă din avans, pentru ”rezervarea” dreptului de achiziționare a mijlocului. În acest mod ei strâng o mare sumă de bani, după care dispar, fără a putea fi contactați.
- Transferul plății anticipate pe card
- Nu efectuați plata anticipată fără semnarea documentelor care să ateste procesul de transfer de bani, dacă în timpul tratativei vânzătorul are îndoieli.
- Transfer în contul ”curatorului”
- O astfel de solicitare trebuie să vă alarmeze, foarte probabil comunicați cu o persoană care urmărește să vă înșele.
- Transferul în contul societății cu un nume asemănător
- Atenție, persoanele rău intenționate se pot ascunde în spatele unor societăți renumite, aducând mici modificări numelui societății. Nu efectuați transfer de bani dacă numele societății este dubios.
- Înlocuirea propriilor date în factura societății reale
- Înainte de efectua transferul de bani, vă rugăm să verificați corectitudinea datelor bancare și dacă acestea aparțin societății indicate.
Contactează vânzătorul

Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= More information =
Drive: Track
General condition: good
Please contact Daniel Glansk for more information
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Weitere Informationen =
Antrieb: Raupe
Allgemeiner Zustand: gut
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Yderligere oplysninger =
Drivanordning: Larvefødder
Overordnet stand: god
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Más información =
Propulsión: Oruga
Estado general: bueno
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Plus d'informations =
Vente aux enchères:
Commande: Chenille
État général: bon
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Meer informatie =
Aandrijving: Rups
Algemene staat: goed
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Więcej informacji =
Napęd: Gąsienica
Stan ogólny: dobrze
Condução: Rasto
Estado geral: bom
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
= Дополнительная информация =
Привод: Гусеница
Общее состояние: хорошее
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm
Yanmar Vio33-6
Årtal: 2022
Timmar: 330 +/- (enligt avläst mätare)
Motor: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cylindrig
18.9 kW / 25.7 hk
Fäste: S40
Extra Motvikt
AC (ej funktionstestad)
Bandbredd: 300 mm
Mått & vikt:
Längd: 4470 mm
Bredd: 1550 mm
Höjd: 2460 mm
Vikt: ca 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Fäste Hydrauliskt
Bredd: 1200 mm
Bredd: 300 mm
Bredd: 620 mm
= Ytterligare information =
Körning: Spår
Allmänt tillstånd: bra
Yanmar Vio33-6
Year: 2022
Hours: 330 +/- (according to meter reading)
Engine: Yanmar 3TNV88-ESBV
3 Cyl
18.9 kW / 25.7 hp
Swing boom
Dozer blade
Attachment: S40
LED work lights
Warning rotella
Float position
Extra Counterweight
AC (not function tested)
Bandwidth: 300 mm
Dimensions & weight:
Length: 4470 mm
Width: 1550 mm
Height: 2460 mm
Weight: approx. 3550 kg
Steelwrist X04 SS9
S40 Hitch Hydraulic
Grader bucket
Width: 1200 mm
Cable bucket
Width: 300 mm
Depth bucket
Width: 620 mm