Гусеничный экскаватор Doosan DX 225 LC-5 **Perfect condition / No price discount**

≈ 1 328 000 MDL
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Контакты продавца

!!! NO DISCOUNT PRICE !!! (price is already much to low for its perfect overall condition).
**Al our prices in us ads are already the best netto prices, (incoterm ex works) from our yard in Wijlre (Netherlands)**
**Unfortunately we have to implement additional measures to prevent fraud and wasted time and energy. Lately we have been suffering a lot from scammers / buyers which not keeping agreements / buyers which their goal is to get only a low price and try to get good and honest equipment for the price from not so good equipment in the market.
-Before we provide the proforma invoice for the entire amount, yours must do a advance payment from minimal 2000 euro.
-When yours want to visit us to see the equipment yours want to buy, yours must make a appointment and before entrance into us yard yours must identify with yours pasport or ID cart and we do not accept more than 2 visitors.
-We no longer respond to unrealistic bids.
-Like always; we accept only payments over bank transfer.
EU buyers; don`t have to pay the Dutch VAT if a valid VAT number from the buyer is existing and the object stays in the EU.
Non EU buyers and buyers who export an object outside the EU; the buyer must have provide a security to the seller in the amount of the Dutch VAT, which will be refunded after the object has been electronically exported (and reported) in a correct manner. Only if the buyer arranges an NL or BE Ro-Ro shipping agency/broker and brings us in contact with them and provide us before loading object the vessel booking confirmation, we often take the decision that the buyer don`t have to provide a security to us in the amount of the Dutch VAT.
Viewing by appointment only.
Year; 2018.
5730 hours.
CE machine, incl. EC declaration of conformity.
Incl. service history.
User manual.
Recent certificate of thorough examination.
Al services, (oils and filters) are valid in the prescribed uses time.
3th extra hydraulic line for use hammer and shear.
Hydraulic quickhitch, (make strickland).
Check valves on the boom and dipperstick valves.
Tracks 80 cm.
U/C, (track plates, chains, rollers, sprockets) in a 95% good condition.
electric diesel fuel pump.
Klimate control.
Camera`s (rear and site).
Boxing ring (easy to remove).
DOOSAN 6 cilinder engine 166 PK, Stage IV.
Machine weight; 22700 KG.
New big vollume bucket, (see photo`s) width 1,83 M: PRICE; 1800 EURO
Very strong perfect condition used teeth bucket width 1,50 M: PRICE; 2500 EURO
** Seldom to find good condition / Perfect U/C / First original paint / No leaks / No re-weldings / Very minimal till no play on the pins and bushes in the arm / No play on the slewing ring / Very clean and good looking machine **